Studio status – For artists

Understand your Studio status / Workplaces with this article

Updated over a week ago

This article is for Artists

As an artist, you can have different statuses in a studio that has invited you to connect, depending on if you have accepted the invitation, if a manager has activated your connection and if you have been deactivated by anyone managing the Studio Account.

If you have been invited to connect with a studio, you will see your status in Workplaces in the navigation menu.

To learn about how Artist Statuses work as a Studio Account Manager, click here

Your different studio statuses and what they mean

Invitation pending

When a studio manager sends you an invitation to connect with their studio, the studio will be displayed in Workplaces with this status, until you accept the invitation.

To accept the invitation, click on Accept invitation to first view the invitation, then Accept invitation again.

Invitation accepted

When you accept an invitation, studio managers will be notified by email. A manager will then have to activate your connection before you will be able to create bookings and manage payments connected to the studio.

Until you have been activated, the status for the studio will remain as Invitation accepted.


When a studio manager activates your connection, the status for the studio will be changed to Active. When you have an Active status in a studio, you and the studio managers at the studio can create and manage your appointment bookings connected to the studio.


Studio managers can deactivate your connection and set your status to Inactive. This will prohibit you and your managers to manage your bookings and payments connected to the studio.

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